What is an ecosystem? an ecosystem is made up of?

an ecosystem is made up of?

An ecosystem is a community of different species of living organisms and their physical environment. Ecosystems can be large or small, natural or artificial. living organisms include animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. The physical environment includes air, water, and soil. An ecosystem can be as large as a forest or as small as a puddle.

How do ecosystems work?

Ecosystems are interconnected systems where each organism plays a role in the survival of the community. For example, in a rainforest, trees provide shelter and food for animals, who in turn disperse seeds and help with pollination. fungi break down dead leaves and twigs which provide nutrients for plants. Bacteria decompose organic matter which recycles nutrients back into the soil. All these interactions result in a balanced system where each organism benefits from the others.

What happens when ecosystems are balanced?

When an ecosystem is balanced, it is healthy and resilient. A healthy ecosystem can withstand disturbance from things like fire, floods, and drought. However, when ecosystems are unbalanced, they are more vulnerable to disturbance and can even collapse. For example, if there are too many deer in a forest they will eat all the vegetation which will destroy the habitat for other animals leading to a decrease in biodiversity. This makes the ecosystem less resilient and more vulnerable to other disturbances.

Humans and ecosystems

Humans rely on ecosystems for our survival. We rely on them for things like food, water, air, wood, medicine, and climate regulation. We also rely on them for recreation and tourism. Because of this dependence, it is important that we protect and conserve our ecosystems so that they can continue to provide these services for us into the future.

Conclusion: Ecosystems are essential for our survival but they are also delicate systems that need to be protected. An ecosystem is made up of living organisms and their physical environment where each organism plays a role in the survival of the community. When ecosystems are balanced they are healthy and resilient but when they are unbalanced they can collapse. Humans rely on ecosystems for things like food, water, air, wood, medicine, and climate regulation. Because of this dependence, it is important that we protect and conserve our ecosystems.

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